When it comes to alimony awards, Kentucky is like many other states in its requirements and conditions. According to the Kentucky statutes, the judge hearing your case has a considerable amount of discretion when deciding whether to grant your request for spousal...
Month: October 2017
Understanding hours of work limitations for truck drivers
You see large semi-trucks and tractor-trailers driving in and around Richmond almost every day. While you appreciate the work that truckers do, you likely shudder to think how dangerous one might become if he or she becomes fatigued while behind the wheel. The risks...
Use your head to determine if you have a brain injury
If you were recently involved in a motor vehicle accident in Kentucky, you're probably still celebrating the fact that you survived. Hopefully, your recovery is coming along well, and you are feeling a bit better with each passing day. That's not to say it's been easy...
Wrongful battery charges and the consequences
Any kind of violence-related charge can create a multitude of legal issues. And while battery charges are, indeed, serious, some are not always truthful accusations. A wrongful accusation can not only be costly and time-consuming, but can damage a defendant's...
Are you OK to use force to defend yourself?
Imagine the following scenario: You find yourself at home in Richmond when an unknown person attempts to break in. You call law enforcement authorities, but fear that they will not arrive before the intruder gains entry. You feel compelled to answer the threat posed...