Assertively Protecting You Against Abuse Charges

Last updated on March 12, 2021

Domestic abuse is one of the most serious charges that anyone can face. It damages your reputation permanently. A conviction for a criminal charge related to domestic violence can result not only in a jail sentence but also probation, mandatory rehabilitation and loss of child custody rights. In some cases, even being accused of these crimes can end up on your permanent record.

At Shumate, Flaherty, Eubanks & Baechtold, we defend clients throughout Kentucky who face allegations of domestic violence. Our aggressive, knowledgeable defense is critical to protecting your innocence in the face of such a serious situation, and we will do everything we can to exonerate you and expunge your record. Founded in 1916, we continue to offer the legacy of hard work and successful results that has carried our criminal law firm for so many decades.

Can I Lose My Gun Rights?

If you’re convicted of domestic abuse, the answer is: yes, you can. Under federal law, a conviction could mean that you are no longer allowed to possess a firearm or even ammunition. We take this very seriously and will do everything we can to protect gun owners’ rights.

How Would A Conviction Impact Child Custody?

Family courts will not hesitate to remove a child from the custody of a parent who is accused or convicted of domestic violence. The mere accusation, unfounded though it may be, is sometimes enough to reduce a parent’s access to their children. Some domestic abuse cases even result in the permanent termination of parental rights.

We understand how important your children are to you. Our team will do everything in its power to make sure that you do not lose them. Having worked with multiple families, social agencies and courts throughout the state, we understand how to achieve the best outcome available.

Protect Your Rights – Make Your Free Consultation

The aggressive representation of Shumate, Flaherty, Eubanks & Baechtold is here for you when it matters most. We provide free initial consultations, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by reaching out to us. If you cannot travel to meet us in Richmond, we are happy to speak with you in your home, a hospital or a correctional facility. To schedule your free consultation, please call 800-494-9916 or send us an email.