Can I get alimony in Kentucky?

On Behalf of | Oct 25, 2017 | Divorce

When it comes to alimony awards, Kentucky is like many other states in its requirements and conditions. According to the Kentucky statutes, the judge hearing your case has a considerable amount of discretion when deciding whether to grant your request for spousal maintenance. However, there are some standard considerations that must be reviewed before payment is awarded or denied.

The goal of maintenance is to ensure that your reasonable needs are met. If your portion of the marital property is not sufficient for this purpose, or if there is a valid reason that you cannot support yourself, the court will then examine other factors to evaluate your case further.

In many households, there is a primary breadwinner, and the other spouse may take a less well-paid job that allows more flexibility so that he or she can take care of their child’s needs. If you have made this commitment to your child, or if you have supported your spouse to the detriment of your career, it may have left you with inadequate work experience or training. A court may determine that you should receive alimony while you are getting the education that allows you to pursue a successful career.

The court will also consider the following:

  • Your age and health
  • Your sources of income – including child support
  • The standard of living you enjoyed while you were married
  • The length of your marital relationship

A judge will not order someone to pay so much maintenance that it is impossible to cover his or her own needs. This general information can give you an idea of Kentucky’s alimony statute, but it should not be taken as a substitute for legal advice.