Using Expungement To Clear Your Criminal Record

Last updated on April 7, 2020

One mistake should not ruin your life!

Have you lost out on opportunities because of your criminal record? If so, we might be able to help you obtain an expungement — even for certain Class D felonies. Contact us to find out about eligibility.

People make mistakes, and sometimes the consequences of a mistake include a criminal conviction. Unfortunately, even after completing your sentence and any other court ordered duties, a criminal conviction can hamper you for years. A criminal record can prevent you from entering the job market, buying a home or getting accepted to the college of your choice.

Depending on your charge, you may be eligible to have the conviction removed through expungement. Let the experienced attorneys at Shumate, Flaherty, Eubanks & Baechtold help clear your criminal record through expungement. Located in Richmond, our firm serves clients throughout Madison and surrounding Counties.

A Legal Process For A Clean Slate

A petition for expungement is a legal process used to remove a person’s criminal record from public records. Once expunged, a charge will no longer appear on background checks. This means your prior conviction will not adversely affect your ability to find employment or gain acceptance into college.

Kentucky offers expungement for Class D felony charges, such as possession of a controlled substance or theft. DUI charges and other misdemeanors are eligible as well. You may also expunge dismissed cases and arrests. Through the expungement process, you can also void a first-time possession offense or a conviction for possession of marijuana, synthetic drugs or salvia. A voided conviction has the same effect as an expungement, permanently removing it from your record.

Don’t Let A Conviction Hold You Back

Since convicts can face housing and employment discrimination, maintaining a clear record is essential. Expunging a conviction, arrest or dismissed charge from your record erases it in the eyes of the law so it no longer holds you back. Let our attorneys help you clear away the mistakes of the past.

To schedule a free initial consultation with one of our skilled criminal defense lawyers, send us an email or call 859-353-0878.