What evidence should you collect after a truck crash?

On Behalf of | Feb 21, 2024 | Truck Accidents

About one million large commercial truck accidents occurred across the United States in 2020 and 2021, and over 4,000 resulted in fatalities.

Truck drivers play a crucial role in the U.S. economy, ensuring that goods and raw materials are delivered over long distances. However, trucks also present a significantly greater risk of collision due to their immense size.

When an accident involves a large commercial truck, there are two essential pieces of evidence you should gather to strengthen any legal action you may pursue.

Truck driver’s personal log

The Department of Transportation regulates the hours commercial truck drivers can work daily. With a job that requires constant alertness through long hours, regulations have been established to limit the number of hours truck drivers can drive without rest to prevent fatigue-related accidents.

A truck driver’s logbook includes information about their hours of service and rest breaks under the sleeper berth provision. It is important to request these logs as soon as possible, even at the scene of the accident, to avoid losing valuable information.

Electronic control module data

Trucks manufactured in the United States beginning in the 1990s are equipped with an Electronic Control Module (ECM), often called a “black box.” This device monitors the truck’s various functions, such as the engine, transmission, brakes, and fuel system.

This evidence can reveal unsafe behavior by the driver or the trucking company, making it crucial to build your case.

ECMs have limited storage for recordings. As a result, previous entries are regularly overwritten once the storage capacity has been exceeded. Trucking companies may also delete the data immediately after the accident. Thus, it is critical to work with an attorney to file legal action and preserve this piece of evidence quickly.

Seeking justice in the aftermath of a truck collision can be extremely difficult, as these accidents typically result in devastating loss and considerable damage. Collecting the right evidence is crucial in strengthening your claims and protecting your rights.