Should you ask for spousal support?

On Behalf of | Sep 17, 2021 | Divorce

In Kentucky, alimony, also known as spousal support, is the money that one spouse will pay to another due to a court-ordered agreement. This support isn’t always granted, but if you are in a position where you need financial support from your ex-spouse in the future, then you should consider asking for it.

Spousal support can be used for many reasons such as helping you boost your income until you can build your career, repayment for supporting your spouse through higher education, providing you with income to reduce an income disparity caused by the divorce.

Types of alimony in Kentucky

There are a few kinds of alimony in Kentucky including:

  • Rehabilitative maintenance, which is usually temporary and used following short-term marriages
  • Permanent maintenance, which is rare but may be granted when the couple was in a long-term marriage with a significant income disparity
  • Temporary maintenance, which is possible while the divorce is ongoing until it is finalized
  • Post-divorce maintenance, which is paid after the divorce

It’s a good idea to take a look at your budget to determine if you need alimony following your divorce. If so, you should ask for it. You have the right to negotiate for alimony temporarily or permanently, depending on the case.

When does a court grant spousal support, alimony or maintenance?

Usually, the court will grant support when it finds that an individual lacks the property, including the marital property given to them, to support themselves and their reasonable needs. The court may also grant this maintenance if the individual cannot support themselves due to trouble finding appropriate employment.

How long will alimony, spousal support or maintenance last?

It depends on your case, but the court will determine the length of time that these payments will last based on factors such as how long it will take you to find a new job or get education and training, your ability to meet your needs independently and your age and physical condition. The court may also consider factors like your standard of living during your marriage and how long you were married.

Spousal support, alimony or maintenance may be right for you following your divorce. If you need this support, don’t be afraid to ask for it.