Disabled in a truck accident? Here are some ways to cope

On Behalf of | Jul 3, 2020 | Truck Accidents

Truck accidents happen all the time. Even though truckers are trained on how to properly maintain and safely operate their rigs, far too often they fail to adhere to regulatory standards and the law. This can result in a tragic accident with devastating consequences. If you’re reading this blog post then chances are that you or a loved one know that reality all too well. Given the sheer size of semi-trucks, accidents involving them can leave victims with catastrophic injuries, including injuries to the brain and spinal cord. In other words, a significant number of truck accident victims are left with a permanent disability.

Living with a disability is nothing short of a battle. After all, your newfound limitations have probably upended your life. Tasks that were completed with little though may now be nearly enormously challenging or even impossible to perform. You might also be dealing with the physical and emotional pain associated with these kinds of injuries, all during a time when your income has diminished or stopped and medical expenses and rehabilitation costs surge. As stressful as all of that can be, there is hope after a disabling truck accident. We hope that these tips can help you or your loved find life with a disability manageable and meaningful.

  • It’s okay to grieve: Suffering a disability means that you’ve lost a certain part of who you once were. It’s understandable to be sad about it. Don’t bottle up your feelings. Instead, allow yourself to feel all of the emotions that come to you. This is the only way that you’re going to find acceptance and prepare yourself for life with your disability.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help: Many of us are too proud to ask for help, even when we need it most. After suffering a disability is not the time to do so. You’re dealing with a lot as you try to find a way to cope with your disability, and it can take a physical and emotional toll. Without asking for help, you put yourself at risk of suffering mental health issues and stunting your mobility growth. You have a lot of people who love and care for you, so lean on them when you need to. You can also secure help from professionals in the mental health and medical fields.
  • Minimize the affect of your disability: This might sound challenging or even impossible depending on the severity of your disability, but there might be things you can do to limit the impact your disability takes on your life. One way is to focus on what you can still do despite your disability. You can also keep an open mind when it comes to trying new technologies, medications, and treatments that may make your life easier. Simply being patient with yourself can also diminish the overwhelming effect disability typically carries.
  • Find meaning in your life: A lot of people who suddenly become disabled feel like their life lacks purpose on account of their limitations. This doesn’t have to be you. You can still devote your time, attention, and energy to the things that matter most to you. That may be contributing to charitable purposes, renewing or building upon relationships with friends and family, caring for a beloved pet, or simply learning new and interesting things and hobbies. There is meaning in all life, regardless of physical condition.

While these tips can help you with a lot of aspects of your life with a disability, the fact remains that you’re probably going to run into financial issues, and you probably also want some sort of accountability. This is where the assistance of a qualified attorney can come into play. With aggressive advocacy by your side, you can maximize your chances of recovering the compensation you need to rebuild your life and find the meaning within it.