How many lives are lost to collisions with large animals?

On Behalf of | Apr 13, 2018 | Car Accidents, Truck Accidents

Fatal motor vehicle collisions happen for many reasons. In some cases, lives are lost as a result of drunk driving, whole other fatal accidents happen because of ice on the roadway. However, it is important to keep in mind that other causes, which may not always have as much media coverage, can also prove fatal. For example, people lose their lives after colliding with large animals, such as deer. Regardless of the cause of a fatal accident, the loss can be devastating for families and drivers should always focus on preventing these collisions from occurring.

According to estimates provided by the Federal Highway Administration, around 300,000 traffic crashes involving large wildlife happen on an annual basis. Moreover, these estimates may be lower than the actual number of collisions that happen. Sadly, these accidents can not only claim the lives of wildlife, but people as well. Estimates show that around 200 people pass away as a result of colliding with wildlife while traveling in a vehicle every year. Moreover, roughly 26,000 injuries occur every year as a result of collisions with large animals.

Unfortunately, even an incredibly careful driver may find themselves in a serious crash which results in the loss of life or causes serious injuries. These wrecks can happen without any warning and may upend the lives of many people who were not involved in the accident, such as loved ones who have to deal with the emotional pain and other challenges associated with losing a family member in a traffic accident.