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The trucking industry and the battle of drug abuse

On Behalf of | Sep 14, 2017 | Truck Accidents

It is a well-known fact that truckers in America often suffer from exhaustion due to long driving hours. Similar to the shifts of health workers, trucking assignments can take upwards of 12 hours to complete, creating a physically and mentally draining environment. A large number of truck accidents in Kentucky occur as a result of this exhaustion. Although using amphetamines to stay awake while driving may seem a solution, the overall effects of the drug can be severely consequential.

An article in Reuters News touches upon the spreading issue of amphetamine use while driving large company vehicles. A worldwide, diverse study on the drugs truckers use while driving showed the connection between high drug use and poor working conditions. While the stimulants in cocaine and amphetamines may seem a more effective choice than marijuana or alcohol, the former can cause vertigo, agitation, hallucinations and can alter perceptions and reactions. Yet most experts agree that, regardless of choice in substance, each of the aforementioned drugs can ultimately pose risks to personal and collective health around the world.

The numbers may show the popularity of drug use among truckers, but what, exactly, may be the solution to the issue? WKYT News weighs in on the problem, specifically in Kentucky, where many truckers claim the issue has turned into a statewide drug epidemic. The Kentucky Trucking Association broadens the scope by pointing toward the growing acceptance of many drugs in the nation; such widespread acceptance ultimately affects the trucking industry, where it is often difficult to pinpoint the source of drugs. On another note, WKYT highlights an upcoming device, available through the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, that would potentially log all truckers who fail drugs tests in one collective database.