Understanding the legality of cannabis use in Kentucky can feel like walking through a maze. With laws constantly changing, it can be easy to get lost and overwhelmed.
If you or someone you care about is facing drug charges related to cannabis, you’re probably full of questions and concerns. What are the current laws? What penalties could you be facing?
In this blog, we’ll break down the critical points you need to know about cannabis legality in the state. After reading, you will gain essential insights to help demystify the legal complexities surrounding this matter.
The legality of cannabis in Kentucky
Cannabis legality in Kentucky has seen significant changes recently. On March 31, 2023, the state governor signed a new bill into law, making medical cannabis legal starting January 1, 2025.
With this legislation, those with a qualifying medical condition can access medical cannabis under the state’s new initiative. However, it’s important to note that using cannabis outside of this program is still illegal in Kentucky.
Once in effect, the new law will allow patients to get access to medical cannabis products that are free from contaminants and labeled correctly. This way, patients and caregivers know exactly what they’re using.
Additionally, there are strict rules to keep the products away from young kids and those who are not legally allowed to possess them. Businesses involved in the cannabis industry will need to operate responsibly. The Cabinet for Health and Family Services is in charge of developing the regulations for the medical cannabis program.
Recreational cannabis use is still illegal
While this new initiative is a big step forward for Kentucky, it’s crucial to remember that recreational use remains illegal. So, if you’re in the state and considering cannabis, make sure you’re aware of these new laws and how they might affect you.