3 of the most common injuries in the workplace 

On Behalf of | Dec 7, 2022 | Workers' Compensation

No matter what type of job you do there is always the risk of an accident occurring. There will always be some occupations that are inherently risky but even the safest of jobs can give way to illness or injury occurring. 

Workplace injuries don’t need to just be falling off a ladder or hurting your back moving boxes. An accident can happen for any number of reasons. There are, however, some types of injuries that are more common than others and can happen across all types of industries.

1. Repetitive motion injury

Lots of jobs involve doing the same task over and over again, day in and day out. Tasks such as packing, heavy lifting and data entry can all cause repetitive motion injury which means you experience significant pain by just doing your job. 

2. Neck and back injury

Neck and back injuries can be caused in lots of ways. If you spend a lot of your time sitting at a desk or are constantly bending over to do your job, it’s a surefire way to cause pain in these areas. This can be the result of your employer failing to provide you with proper equipment or training to do your job safely. 

3. Traumatic brain injuries

A traumatic brain injury is caused by a blow or jolt to the head and the resulting injury can vary in seriousness – from relatively mild to completely life-changing. Common causes of a TBI are a slip and fall event or a car accident. If this happened in your workplace and during work time, you could be entitled to compensation for the injuries sustained – something you may need if the TBI is serious. 

Suffering an injury in the workplace can be devastating, especially if it means you can’t work as a result. If you were hurt while working, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation to provide you with the financial assistance you need while you recover.