Driving distracted: a dangerous choice

On Behalf of | Jul 17, 2017 | Car Accidents, Truck Accidents

The issue of car crashes due to distracted driving is not only serious, but is one that is on the rise. Any amount of driving on public roads comes with some level of risk, and Kentucky in particular sees a significant number of crashes related to distraction of varying types. On top of unwanted expenses and car repairs, crashes can have dangerous and even fatal consequences that are often forgotten during day-to-day distractions.

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet provides detailed, yearly Traffic Collision Fact books which contain statistical data and other information regarding motor vehicle accidents. In 2015 alone, 761 drivers were killed in traffic collisions, resulting in a 7.1 percent increase from 2014. 35,542 drivers were injured on public roads, with approximately one of every 6,800 Kentucky drivers killed as a result of a fatal crash. The types of crashes reported vary from public roads, private property, and parking lots. Distracted driving was a factor in 53,893 crashes in 2015, with 154 of those crashes resulting in fatalities.

Not only are inattention and driving a dangerous mix; distracted driving is the leading factor in most crashes. The Department of Motor Vehicles points out that while Kentucky’s distracted driving penalties are mild, they are also strictly enforced. For example, the ban on cellphone use among those 18 years old and younger is a primary law. Texting and driving is banned in all U.S. states, and the minimum fine for distracted driving is $25, plus surcharge fees. Regardless of the type of distraction, Kentucky has seen a drastic increase in crashes due to inattention since the distracted driving law’s first issue in 2010.